Closed-form solution for generalized Vasicek dynamic term structure model with time-varying parameters and exponential yield curves

Yao Zheng


In this paper I study a generalized Vasicek dynamic term structure model with time-varying parameters, where the short rate r is unbounded and the time to maturity for the exponential yield curve model is an exponential function of the short rate. Closed-form solutions are derived for two cases by function analysis technique, with the classical Vasicek equation used as a special case. The methods employed in this paper may have significance in the study of other aspects of finance.

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Published: 2014-04-02

How to Cite this Article:

Yao Zheng, Closed-form solution for generalized Vasicek dynamic term structure model with time-varying parameters and exponential yield curves, Math. Finance Lett., 2014 (2014), Article ID 1

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