Weak and strong convergence of an iterative algorithm for Lipschitz pseudo-contractive maps in Hilbert spaces
In this paper, let K be a closed convex subset of a real Hilbert space H and T: K → K a Lipschitz pseudo-contractive map such that F(T) 6= / 0. Let {αn}, {βn} and {γn} be real sequences in (0,1). For x1∈ K, let {xn} be generated iteratively by
xn+1= Pk[(1−αn−γn)xn+γnTyn],
yn= (1−βn)xn+βnTxn,n ≥ 1.
Under some mild conditions on parameters {αn}, {βn}, {γn}, we prove that our new iterative algorithm converges strongly to a fixed point of T. No compactness assumption is imposed on T and no further requirement is imposed on F(T).
Advances in Fixed Point Theory
ISSN: 1927-6303
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