Hybrid method for generalized mixed equilibrium and fixed point problems involving multivalued nonlinear mappings

U. A. Osisiogu, J. N. Ezeora, R. C. Ogbonna


We introduce and study in this article, a new hybrid projection algorithm for approximating a common element of the set of fixed points of finite family of multivalued ki− strictly pseudocontractive mapping and the set of solution of generalized mixed equilibrium problem in real Hilbert space. Under mild conditions, strong convergence of the sequence was proved. The result obtained improves and extends the important result of Bunyawat and Suantai [Fixed point theory and Applications 2013, 2013:236] and many other recent results.

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Published: 2020-01-21

How to Cite this Article:

U. A. Osisiogu, J. N. Ezeora, R. C. Ogbonna, Hybrid method for generalized mixed equilibrium and fixed point problems involving multivalued nonlinear mappings, Adv. Fixed Point Theory, 10 (2020), Article ID 2

Copyright © 2020 U. A. Osisiogu, J. N. Ezeora, R. C. Ogbonna. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Advances in Fixed Point Theory

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