Weak form of ideal nano topological spaces for semi-local functions

P. Gayathri, G. Selvi, I. Rajasekaran


In this paper we introduced ns-OS in a perfect nano topological space NX, we define a nano semi-local function Tn(I,N). Several semi-local function characteristics and attributes and the new notions of (SIαn, SIsn, SIpn, SIbn and SIβn)-open sets, which are straightforward variations of n-open sets in NX, are introduced and studied in this paper. Additionally, we describe the connections between them and the associated attributes.

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Published: 2024-10-15

How to Cite this Article:

P. Gayathri, G. Selvi, I. Rajasekaran, Weak form of ideal nano topological spaces for semi-local functions, Adv. Fixed Point Theory, 14 (2024), Article ID 58

Copyright © 2024 P. Gayathri, G. Selvi, I. Rajasekaran. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Advances in Fixed Point Theory

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