Numerical study of coupled fluid flow with heat and mass transfer using finite volume discretization

V. Ambethkar


This paper presents a finite volume discretzation for the numerical solution of the semi-linear partial differential equations together with suitable initial and the boundary conditions that describe the fluid flow coupled with heat and mass transfer. Heat and mass transfer has been predicted with the aid of a staggered grid of finite volume discretization. The numerical results for the flow variables velocity, pressure, temperature and concentration have been computed by employing the SIMPLE algorithm. The numerical results show that the pressure of the fluid at different nodes increasing uniformly either by keeping step size in one direction fixed and in other direction varied. The variation of the concentration considered in z-direction vis-à-vis grid nodes in x and y-direction has plotted and examined using 3-D graphs. It is found that the heat and mass transfer for fluids like mercury, air, and water increasing towards left side of the domain of the computation. Based on the numerical results, it has been found that the mass transfer increases steadily and then decreases while moving in grid nodes along y-direction for a fixed node along x-direction.

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How to Cite this Article:

V. Ambethkar, Numerical study of coupled fluid flow with heat and mass transfer using finite volume discretization, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 5 (2015), 99-122

Copyright © 2015 V. Ambethkar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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