Modeling the effect of tobacco smoking on the in-host dynamics of HIV/AIDS

Jacob Ismail Irunde, Livingstone S. Luboobi, Yaw Nkansah-Gyekye


In this paper, a simple model for the effect of tobacco smoking in the in-host dynamics of HIV is formulated with the aim of studying how tobacco smoking affects HIV in-host dynamics. The basic reproduction number here known as smoking induced reproduction number R0is computed, disease free and endemic equilibria are derived and conditions for their stability are established. Analytical results show that smoking affects both T-cells and Macrophages however, its effects are severe in macrophages than in T-cells. Stability for disease free and endemic equilibria is analyzed. High smoking rate renders disease free equilibrium to be locally and globally unstable. Low smoking rate leads to globally unstable endemic equilibrium. Numerical results reveal that tobacco smoking which confers insensitivity to T-cells and reducing phagocytosis in macrophages can promote in-host HIV dynamics.

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How to Cite this Article:

Jacob Ismail Irunde, Livingstone S. Luboobi, Yaw Nkansah-Gyekye, Modeling the effect of tobacco smoking on the in-host dynamics of HIV/AIDS, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 6 (2016), 406-436

Copyright © 2016 Jacob Ismail Irunde, Livingstone S. Luboobi, Yaw Nkansah-Gyekye. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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