The finite difference methods and its stability for glycolysis model in one dimension

Saad A. Manna, Rostam K. Saeed, Fadhil H. Easif


The Glycolysis model has been solved numerically in one dimension by using two finite differences methods: explicit and Crank-Nicolson method and we were found that the explicit method is simpler while the Crank-Nicolson is more accurate. Also, we found that explicit method is conditionally stable while Crank-Nicolson method is unconditionally stable.

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How to Cite this Article:

Saad A. Manna, Rostam K. Saeed, Fadhil H. Easif, The finite difference methods and its stability for glycolysis model in one dimension, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 2 (2012), 1634-1645

Copyright © 2012 Saad A. Manna, Rostam K. Saeed, Fadhil H. Easif. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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