Effect of chemical reaction on magnetohydrodynamic Williamson nanofluid with variable thickness and variable thermal conductivity

N. Manjula, K. Govardhan, M. N. Rajashekar


The effect of chemical reaction on an MHD boundary layer flow with variable thickness and variable thermal conductivity on a stretching sheet has been examined. Here is an investigation done on the chemical reaction parameter along with the slip parameter and velocity index parameter to a non-flat sheet. Similarity transformations are applied to convert the PDEs into a system of non-linear ODEs. The nonlinear coupled ODEs are boundary value problems. These are reduced to IVP by the shooting technique. Finally, the IVPs are solved by using the Adam-Bashforth Moulton method. The velocity, concentration, temperature profiles have been discussed for different parameters.

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Published: 2021-01-06

How to Cite this Article:

N. Manjula, K. Govardhan, M. N. Rajashekar, Effect of chemical reaction on magnetohydrodynamic Williamson nanofluid with variable thickness and variable thermal conductivity, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2021), 793-808

Copyright © 2021 N. Manjula, K. Govardhan, M. N. Rajashekar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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