Energy-efficient location-based routing algorithms for three dimensional mobile ad hoc networks

Alaa E. Abdallah, Emad E. Abdallah, Islam T. Almalkawi, Salah Taamneh, Ayoub Alsarhan


Wireless ad hoc network nodes suffer from limited energy supply. In the current location-based topology control algorithms a node discovers its neighbors by exchanging periodic hello messages between neighbors using the maximum transmission power of each node. This could be a source of extreme power consumption. This paper suggests several new location-based routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks that try to increase a network lifetime by decreasing the average power consumption of the network nodes. In the newly proposed algorithms, if the node is not moving it uses less frequent hello messages. During the movement of the node, the hello messages frequency increases. The new algorithms use adjusted transmission power for routing messages as well. We compare by simulation the power consumption of the new algorithm with the current location-based routing algorithms to show a substantial improvement in the overall network lifetime.

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Published: 2021-05-03

How to Cite this Article:

Alaa E. Abdallah, Emad E. Abdallah, Islam T. Almalkawi, Salah Taamneh, Ayoub Alsarhan, Energy-efficient location-based routing algorithms for three dimensional mobile ad hoc networks, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2021), 3418-3435

Copyright © 2021 Alaa E. Abdallah, Emad E. Abdallah, Islam T. Almalkawi, Salah Taamneh, Ayoub Alsarhan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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