Quantitative analysis of transmission dynamic of Boko Haram fanatic through mass media
A deterministic model for the proliferation of fanatic ideology is designed and used to qualitatively assess the role of recruitment and retention in the Boko Haram formation. Here, contacts between individuals extend beyond their physical meaning to include the spread of ideas through phone conversations, media sources, emails, and other similar ways. Our research indicates that loss of immunity to fanaticism and the rate at which previously convicted and jailed fanatics (Boko Haram) members revert to being susceptible to fanaticism could induce backward bifurcation when the associated fanatic reproduction number, R0 = 1; hence annihilation of fanaticism in the community will be arduous. This work focuses on the dynamics of the birthing of interest ideology using Mass Media and hence we explore questions such as, how do fanatics initiate within a community and how do they sustain themselves? The model shows that regulating the activities of the Mass media, more especially the social media will ameliorate and abridge the activities of the extremists alongside other measures.
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