Stability analyses on the effect of vaccination and contact tracing in monkeypox virus transmission

Solomon Eshun, Richmond Essieku, James Ladzekpo


Monkeypox is a significant health concern due to its potential for morbidity and occasional mortality. Vaccination and effective contact tracing play pivotal roles in controlling infectious diseases, including monkeypox. This study aims to contribute to our understanding of monkeypox dynamics by developing a comprehensive mathematical model that incorporates key factors such as vaccination, quarantining, and contact tracing. Through rigorous sensitivity analysis, we explore the impact of varying vaccination coverage and contact tracing on the disease’s dynamics. In particular, we investigate the dynamics of the disease in relation to variable vaccination coverage and contact tracing. Our findings highlight the critical role of vaccination and contact tracing in reducing monkeypox transmission. Higher vaccination coverage, combined with effective contact tracing and other control measures, leads to increased stability of the disease-free equilibrium and a decreased likelihood of sustained outbreaks. These findings emphasize the need for continued efforts in promoting vaccination programs and strengthening contact tracing capabilities to effectively manage and contain monkeypox transmissions.

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Published: 2023-08-21

How to Cite this Article:

Solomon Eshun, Richmond Essieku, James Ladzekpo, Stability analyses on the effect of vaccination and contact tracing in monkeypox virus transmission, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 13 (2023), Article ID 8

Copyright © 2023 Solomon Eshun, Richmond Essieku, James Ladzekpo. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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