Data dependence for four-step fixed point iterative scheme allocating via contractive-like operators

Md. Asaduzzaman, Altaf Hossain


Generally, by the data dependence for an iterative scheme means that there exist an estimation by which one can find the fixed point of an unknown operator from the fixed point of given operator. In this paper, we have introduced and analyzed the four-step fixed point iterative scheme and established its convergence and data dependence results by using contractive-like operators. A numerical example is also given, in which instead of computing the fixed point of an operator, an approximation has been made about the fixed point of that operator through contractive-like one. This work is an extension and improvement of the corresponding works of Asaduzzaman et al. [10] and other several authors in literature.

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How to Cite this Article:

Md. Asaduzzaman, Altaf Hossain, Data dependence for four-step fixed point iterative scheme allocating via contractive-like operators, Adv. Fixed Point Theory, 8 (2018), 188-204

Copyright © 2018 Md. Asaduzzaman, Altaf Hossain. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Advances in Fixed Point Theory

ISSN: 1927-6303

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