SIS multi-regions discrete Influenza pandemic model and travel-blocking vicinity optimal control strategy on two forms of patch

Boutayeb Hamza, Bidah Sara, Zakary Omar, Elmouki Ilias, Ferjouchia Hanane, Rachik Mostafa


In this paper, we study the multi-region sis discrete-time model which describesthe spread of an influenza pandemic in interconnected regions via infection mobility.Our objective from this model, is to suggest in a first case of simulations,the so-called travel-blocking vicinity optimal control strategy aiming to protectsusceptible people of a complex of regions tightly close one to each other,while in a second case, we discuss the importance of such strategies when theregions aiming to control are very dispersed. In the theoretical part of the paper,we utilize a discrete version of the pontryagin’s maximum principle for thecharacterization of the travel-blocking optimal control. As for the numericalpart, we program the resolution of our multi-points boundary value problem usingdiscrete progressive-regressive iterative schemes, in an example of a domaincomposed with 100 regions and where the targeted patch includes 4 regions, inthe first time grouped and in a second time, dispersed.

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Published: 2020-06-10

How to Cite this Article:

Boutayeb Hamza, Bidah Sara, Zakary Omar, Elmouki Ilias, Ferjouchia Hanane, Rachik Mostafa, SIS multi-regions discrete Influenza pandemic model and travel-blocking vicinity optimal control strategy on two forms of patch, Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2020 (2020), Article ID 29

Copyright © 2020 Boutayeb Hamza, Bidah Sara, Zakary Omar, Elmouki Ilias, Ferjouchia Hanane, Rachik Mostafa. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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