The dynamics of rubella virus with two-dose vaccination strategy

Abadi -, Rudianto Artiono, Budi Priyo Prawoto


An age-structured SEIR model were constructed to study the transmission of rubella virus. The study investigated the impact of 2-dose vaccination strategy to eradicate the virus transmission. The population were focused on women population and due to the implementation of 2-dose vaccination, the population were divided into two age groups, namely age group 1 of girls who received MMR1 at age 12 – 15 months old and age group 2 of girls who received MMR2 at age 4 years old or older. The analysis was started with determining the equilibria of the system and then used it to calculate the basic reproduction ratio (R0) of the system. The basic reproduction ratio was used to identify the stability of the equilibria. Some numerical simulations were undertaken to confirm the analytical calculations. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the model is well fitted to the facts that 2-dose vaccination strategy for elimination rubella virus transmission really makes sense to be applied by countries all over the world.

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Published: 2021-03-03

How to Cite this Article:

Abadi -, Rudianto Artiono, Budi Priyo Prawoto, The dynamics of rubella virus with two-dose vaccination strategy, Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2021 (2021), Article ID 21

Copyright © 2021 Abadi -, Rudianto Artiono, Budi Priyo Prawoto. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.

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