Eco-epidemiological model and stability analysis of cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) transmission dynamics
In this paper, we develop a mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) disease in cotton. The models took into account both cotton and vector populations. Cotton populations are classified as susceptible (A) and infected (B). The vector population was further classified as susceptible (X) and infected (Y). We demonstrated that all model solutions are positive and bounded with initial circumstances from a specific meaningful set. The presence of unique CLCuV free and endemic equilibrium points is explored, and the basic reproduction number is calculated using the next generation matrix approach. The conditions for these equilibrium points’ local and global asymptotic stability are then established. When the basic reproduction number is less than one, the system has a locally and globally asymptotically stable CLCuV free equilibrium point, and when the basic reproduction number is more than one, the system has a locally and globally asymptotically stable endemic equilibrium point. The simulation result agrees with the analytical results.
Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.
ISSN 2052-2541
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