Nonlinear-damped Duffing oscillators having finite time dynamics

Ronald E. Mickens, Ray Bullock, Warren E. Collins, 'Kale Oyedeji


A class of modified Duffing oscillator differential equations, having nonlinear damping forces, are shown to have finite time dynamics, i.e., the solutions oscillate with only a finite number of cycles, and, thereafter, the motion is zero. The relevance of this feature is briefly discussed in relationship to the mathematical modeling, analysis, and estimation of parameters for the vibrations of carbon nano-tubes and graphene sheets, and macroscopic beams and plates.

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Published: 2014-04-02

How to Cite this Article:

Ronald E. Mickens, Ray Bullock, Warren E. Collins, 'Kale Oyedeji, Nonlinear-damped Duffing oscillators having finite time dynamics, Eng. Math. Lett., 2014 (2014), Article ID 6

Copyright © 2014 Ronald E. Mickens, Ray Bullock, Warren E. Collins, 'Kale Oyedeji. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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