An image analysis method for calculating the surface area of screws and other similar fasteners
Matheus de Moura Sampaio, Eduardo Norberto Codaro, Heloisa Andréa Acciari
A simple method has been developed to calculate the body surface area of screws combining descriptive geometry concepts with digital image analysis. This one can also be applied to the other threaded fasteners. One of purpose of this work is to assist researchers in corrosion tests in which the exposed area of a screw is a very important parameter.
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Published: 2016-04-06
How to Cite this Article:
Matheus de Moura Sampaio, Eduardo Norberto Codaro, Heloisa Andréa Acciari, An image analysis method for calculating the surface area of screws and other similar fasteners,
Eng. Math. Lett., 2016 (2016), Article ID 3
Copyright © 2016 Matheus de Moura Sampaio, Eduardo Norberto Codaro, Heloisa Andréa Acciari. This is an open access article distributed under the
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Engineering Mathematics Letters
ISSN 2049-9337
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