Asymptotic behavior in neutral difference equations with negative coefficients and several delay arguments

George E Chatzarakis, George N Miliaras


In this paper, we study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of a neutral type difference equation of the form

Δ[x(n)+∑_{j=1}^{w}q_{j}(n)x(τ_{j}(n))]-p(n)x(σ(n))=0,    n≥0

where (-p(n))_{n≥0} is a sequence of negative real numbers such that p(n)≥p, p∈ℝ₊, τ_{j}(n), j=1,...,w are general retarded arguments, σ(n) is a general deviated argument, (q_{j}(n))_{n≥0}, j=1,...,w are sequences of real numbers, and Δ denotes the forward difference operator Δx(n)=x(n+1)-x(n).

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How to Cite this Article:

George E Chatzarakis, George N Miliaras, Asymptotic behavior in neutral difference equations with negative coefficients and several delay arguments, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 2 (2012), 360-373

Copyright © 2012 George E Chatzarakis, George N Miliaras. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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