Central finite-difference of numerical solution for three-dimensional atmospheric transport equation
Mayckol Jimenez Huayama, Obidio Rubio Mercedes, Luis Jhony Caucha Morales
The energy transport equation is fundamental for the meteorological analysis; in this work, we analyze this equation in three dimensions using the methods of central finite differences; the analysis of convergence, consistency, and stability of the scheme shows a strong dependence of space and temporal variables. In conclusion, with the central finite differences was possible to predict the three-dimensional dynamics of the temperature.
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Published: 2020-08-24
How to Cite this Article:
Mayckol Jimenez Huayama, Obidio Rubio Mercedes, Luis Jhony Caucha Morales, Central finite-difference of numerical solution for three-dimensional atmospheric transport equation,
J. Math. Comput. Sci., 10 (2020), 2164-2190
Copyright © 2020 Mayckol Jimenez Huayama, Obidio Rubio Mercedes, Luis Jhony Caucha Morales. This is an open access article distributed under the
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