Assessment of the graduates' skills environment for job performance: structural equation modeling
All students need a set of skills and attributes to prepare them for both jobs and further learning. Environmental skills (ES) for graduates are the secret that graduates think makes a good worker. Unique qualities and main skills that contribute to overall employability include loyalty, dedication, authenticity and integrity, enthusiasm, personal appearance, inspiration, adaptability and ability to cope with pressure. Employability skills are the "core skills and personal qualities that you need to join, function and succeed in a new world of work." These are the transferable skills that we carry from one job situation to another. Key skills include communication, collaboration, problem-solving, initiative and enterprise, organizing and planning, self-management, technical skills and technology. There is some controversy about the extent at which college students improve their skills and the degree to which higher education institutions are successful in preparing their students to meet the requirements of the labour force. This study therefore explores the expectations of the employability skills of students of the College of Business Administration (CBA) in the United States and how they have developed those skills. Using the Likert-scale survey, 303 student-participants self-reported their skill levels in different environmental skills areas. Structural equation modelling approaches used to analyses and quantify the skills that undergraduate students need for jobs. Our research has shown that, higher education institutions must be able to discuss the problem of employability after graduation and to find innovative and better ways of improving Skills for their students, such as their ability to conceptualize; creativity, innovation and change; leadership and influence; interpersonal relations and motivation-Personal qualities that have had the greatest impact on jobs.
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