D-local antimagic vertex coloring of a graph and some graph operations
Let G(V,E) be a simple, connected (p,q)-graph. A d-local antimagic labelling is a bijection f: E(G) → {1,2,3,4,...q} such that for any two adjacent vertices, v1 and v2, w(v1) ≠w(v2) where w(vi) = ∑e∈E(vi) f(e) − deg(vi),and E(vi) is the set of edges incident to vi for i = 1,2,..., p. Any d-local antimagic labelling induces a proper vertex coloring of G where the vertex, vi is assigned the color w(vi) for i = 1,2,... p and this coloring is called d-local antimagic coloring of G. The minimum number of colors required to color the vertices in a d-local antimagic coloring of G is called the d-local antimagic chromatic number of G and it is denoted as χdla(G). In this paper, we study the d-local antimagic vertex coloring of paths, cycles, star graphs, complete bipartite graphs and some graph operations such as the subdivision of each edge of a graph by a vertex and determine the exact value of the parameter, d-local antimagic chromatic number for these graphs.
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