On square sum difference coloring of graphs

Preethi K. Pillai, J. Suresh Kumar


Let G be a graph with p vertices. A bijection f: V(G)→{0.1,2,..., p − 1} is called a Square Sum Difference (SSD) coloring of G if the induced function. f: E(G)→N defined by f(uv)=[f(u)]2+[f(v)]2−f(u)f(v) is injective for all edges uv∈E(G), A graph G is called an SSD colorable if G admits an SSD coloring. Further, an SSD coloring is called an odd square sum difference (OSSD) coloring, if f(E) contains only odd integers. A graph G is called an OSSD colorable, if G admits an OSSD coloring.

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Published: 2022-06-27

How to Cite this Article:

Preethi K. Pillai, J. Suresh Kumar, On square sum difference coloring of graphs, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 12 (2022), Article ID 180

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