Co-dynamics of cassava virus disease with farming awareness and control measures: A case of lake zone in Tanzania

Emanuel Simanjilo, Alfred K. Hugo, Oluwole D. Makinde, Monica Kung'aro


The cassava virus diseases co-dynamics model is formulated and analysed using ordinary differential equations theories. The modelling involves cassava plant and whitefly vector population, with aspects of Farmer's awareness level. The evaluation of farmers' awareness inverted numerically and found that increasing awareness levels among farmers decrease disease transmission and spread. The data from ten district councils in the Tanzania lake zone fit and estimate the model parameters. In addition, time-dependent controls were incorporated to reduce the burden on cassava farmers. The findings revealed that with limited resources, uprooting and burning the infected cassava plants and awareness campaign programs significantly reduce the transmission. Therefore, to overcome the burden caused by cassava virus diseases, the farmers are recommended to uproot and burn the infected cassava plants from the farm. Also, it should be updated on controlling disease through educational campaign programs to enhance farmers' awareness.

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Published: 2022-10-31

How to Cite this Article:

Emanuel Simanjilo, Alfred K. Hugo, Oluwole D. Makinde, Monica Kung'aro, Co-dynamics of cassava virus disease with farming awareness and control measures: A case of lake zone in Tanzania, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 12 (2022), Article ID 198

Copyright © 2022 Emanuel Simanjilo, Alfred K. Hugo, Oluwole D. Makinde, Monica Kung'aro. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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