On a solvable p-dimensional system of nonlinear difference equations
In this paper, we investigate the solutions of the following system of p−nonlinear difference equations
x(i)n+1 = a(i)x(i+1)mod(p)n x(i+1)mod(p)n−2 / b(i)x(i)n−1 +c(i)x(i+1)mod(p)n−2, n∈N0, p∈N, i∈{1,..., p},
where N0=N∪{0}, the sequences (a(i)), (b(i)), (c(i)), are non-zero real numbers and initial values x(i)−j , j∈{0,1,2}, i∈{1,..., p}. Finally, we give some applications concerning aforementioned system of difference equations.
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