Table of Contents

Tesfahun Berhane, Molalign Adam, Nurilign Shibabaw, Aemiro Shibabaw, Abera A. Muhamed
Forecasting sesame price using Kalman filter algorithm
Math. Finance Lett., 2019 (2019), Article ID 3

Kevin Z. Tong, Dongping Hou, Jianhua Guan
A spectral approach to pricing of forward starting options
Math. Finance Lett., 2019 (2019), Article ID 2

K. Prasanna Lakshmi, K. Jeganathan, V. Kamal Nasir, M. Abdul Reiya
Markovian queueing inventory system with two stage working vacations
Math. Finance Lett., 2019 (2019), Article ID 1

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