Optimal control of a seir model with confinement of COVID’19

Riouali Maryam, Lahmidi Fouad, Elbarrai Imane, Namir Abdelwahed


In this work, we proposed a mathematical model with an isolation rate and a control strategy, such as confinement, to control the spread of the COVID’19 epidemic in society. We formulated an optimal control problem and solved it. Also, a characterization of the optimal control is given using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle.

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Published: 2021-07-06

How to Cite this Article:

Riouali Maryam, Lahmidi Fouad, Elbarrai Imane, Namir Abdelwahed, Optimal control of a seir model with confinement of COVID’19, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2021), 5447-5457

Copyright © 2021 Riouali Maryam, Lahmidi Fouad, Elbarrai Imane, Namir Abdelwahed. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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