Finite element model to study potassium dynamics in the rhizosphere of a wheat root due to presence of bio-physical source

Ratnamala Badge, Neeru Adlakha


Potassium is a crucial nutrient required for maintaining the health of a plant. It increases the resistance power of the plant against the diseases. Apart from this potassium plays important role in various other physical and physiological functions involved in the growth of a plant. Uptake of potassium by the root of crop plant depends upon its availability in the rhizosphere of the root. The potassium dynamics in the soil is not well understood till date. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the potassium dynamics in the rhizosphere of the root of wheat crop in the presence and absence of bio-physical source. A finite element model is proposed for a two dimensional unsteady state case. A bio-physical source consisting of rock powder and yeast torulaspora globosa is assumed to be present in the soil. The rock powder contains insoluble potassium which is converted into soluble form of potassium by yeast torulaspora globosa. The model incorporates the term water flux, diffusion coefficient, soil porosity, soil buffer power, uptake coefficient of root etc. The results have been computed using MATLAB. The numerical results have been used to analyze the impact of bio-physical source on the potassium dynamics in the rhizosphere of a root of wheat. The presence of bio-fertilizer leads to significant changes in potassium concentration in the rhizosphere of the wheat root and therefore the bio-physical source consisting of rock powder and yeast torulaspora globosa is recommended as a bio-fertilizer for maintenance of health and growth of wheat crop.

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Published: 2019-04-03

How to Cite this Article:

Ratnamala Badge, Neeru Adlakha, Finite element model to study potassium dynamics in the rhizosphere of a wheat root due to presence of bio-physical source, Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2019 (2019), Article ID 8

Copyright © 2019 Ratnamala Badge, Neeru Adlakha. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.

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