Three-species food chain model with cannibalism in the second level
This article suggests and explores a three-species food chain model that includes fear effects, refuges depending on predators, and cannibalism at the second level. The Holling type II functional response determines food consumption between stages of the food chain. This study examined the long-term behavior and impacts of the suggested model's essential elements. The model's solution properties were studied. The existence and stability of every probable equilibrium point were examined. The persistence needs of the system have been determined. It was discovered what conditions could lead to local bifurcation at equilibrium points. Appropriate Lyapunov functions are utilized to investigate the overall dynamics of the system. To support the analytical conclusions, numerical simulations were done to validate the model's inferred long-term behavior and to comprehend the implications of the model's significant parameters.
Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.
ISSN 2052-2541
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