Mathematical modeling and analysis of a monkeypox model
In this work, we present a continuous mathematical model, SEIQR, for monkeypox infection. We study the dynamical behaviour of this model and discuss the basic properties of the system. By constructing Lyapunov functions and using Routh-Hurwitz criteria, the stability analysis of the model confirms that the system is globally, as well as locally, asymptotically stable at the free equilibrium E0 when R0<1. When R0>1, the endemic equilibrium E∗ exists, and the system is globally, as well as locally, asymptotically stable at the endemic equilibrium E∗. Additionally, we conduct a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters to identify the parameters that have a significant impact on the reproduction number R0. Finally, we perform numerical simulations to confirm the theoretical analysis using Matlab.
Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.
ISSN 2052-2541
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