SwAV transfer learning and knowledge distillation on chest X-ray classification

Daniel -, Andrea Stevens Karnyoto, Gregorius Natanael Elwirehardja, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, Bens Pardamean


COVID-19 has severely impacted human life. In response, researchers worldwide have focused on developing advanced computer systems capable of analyzing chest X-rays. Models with the best performance have been identified through numerous studies. However, these models are large and require significant computational resources. In this study, we propose combining Swapping Assignments between Views (SwAV) Transfer Learning (TL) and Knowledge Distillation (KD). By training the teacher model ResNet-50 with SwAV TL and transferring its knowledge to smaller models like ResNet-18 and ResNet-34, the performance of the smaller models improved. The ResNet-34 model's performance increased, with accuracy increasing by 5.31%, recall by 4.05%, precision by 5.62%, F1-score by 4.93%, and AUROC by 0.85%. Similarly, the ResNet-18 model's performance improved, with accuracy increasing by 1.52%, recall by 1.03%, precision by 1.87%, F1-score by 1.46%, and AUROC by 0.29%. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that the combination of SwAV TL and KD can effectively transfer knowledge from larger model to smaller ones, resulting in improved performance in the smaller models.

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Published: 2024-10-03

How to Cite this Article:

Daniel -, Andrea Stevens Karnyoto, Gregorius Natanael Elwirehardja, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, Bens Pardamean, SwAV transfer learning and knowledge distillation on chest X-ray classification, Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2024 (2024), Article ID 108

Copyright © 2024 Daniel -, Andrea Stevens Karnyoto, Gregorius Natanael Elwirehardja, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, Bens Pardamean. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.

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