Endedge block domination in graphs

M. H. Muddebihal, Vedula Padmavathi


For any graph G (V, E ) , a block graph B(G ) is a graph whose vertices are corresponding to the blocks of G and two vertices in B(G ) are adjacent whenever the corresponding blocks contain a common cutvertex in G . An edge dominating set  of a block graph B(G ) is an endedge block dominating set if    contains all endedges of B(G ) . The endedge block domination number (G ) is the minimum cardinality of an endedge block dominating set . In this paper some bounds for (G ) are obtained in terms of elements of G . Further exact values of   (G ) for some standard graphs and relationships with other dominating parameters were obtained.

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Published: 2016-01-14

How to Cite this Article:

M. H. Muddebihal, Vedula Padmavathi, Endedge block domination in graphs, Eng. Math. Lett., 2016 (2016), Article ID 1

Copyright © 2016 M. H. Muddebihal, Vedula Padmavathi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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