Numerical solution of the sterile insect technology model for the control of zika virus vector population

William Atokolo, Remigius Okeke Aja, David Omale, Bashir Sezuo Tenuche, Godwin Christopher Ezike Mbah


This work is aimed at determining a numerical solution to the Sterile Insect Technology (SIT) model for the control of zika virus vector population. SIT is an environmental friendly method which depends on the release of sterile male mosquitoes, that compete with the wild male mosquitoes and mate with wild female mosquitoes, which leads to production of no offspring and as such reduces the population of zika virus vector population over time. Differential Transformation Method (DTM) is employed to determine an approximate solution to the model. DTM has the capability of reducing computational size while maintaining solution accuracy at the same time providing a fast convergence rate. This method can be considered as a viable alternative mathematical tool for solving non-linear and linear problems in sciences and engineering.

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Published: 2021-02-12

How to Cite this Article:

William Atokolo, Remigius Okeke Aja, David Omale, Bashir Sezuo Tenuche, Godwin Christopher Ezike Mbah, Numerical solution of the sterile insect technology model for the control of zika virus vector population, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2021), 1400-1412

Copyright © 2021 William Atokolo, Remigius Okeke Aja, David Omale, Bashir Sezuo Tenuche, Godwin Christopher Ezike Mbah. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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