Effect of porosity on the reflection and refraction coefficients in a liquid saturated porous half-space beneath liquid layer

S. Kumar, D. Prakash, K. Prabakaran, D. Majhi, B.K. Mandal


The reflection and refraction of Rayleigh wave has been contemplated in a liquid saturated porous layer beneath uniform liquid layer. In this paper, analytical expression for reflection and refraction coefficients of three types of wave’s fast dilatational wave, slow dilatational wave and SV-wave are procured. It can be found that the reflection and refraction coefficient dependency on porosity and angle of incidence are well. For the numerical interpretation of the results a specific model is chosen. The discussions are done with the help of graphs drawn for reflection and refraction coefficient with angle of incidence.

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Published: 2021-05-03

How to Cite this Article:

S. Kumar, D. Prakash, K. Prabakaran, D. Majhi, B.K. Mandal, Effect of porosity on the reflection and refraction coefficients in a liquid saturated porous half-space beneath liquid layer, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2021), 3300-3316

Copyright © 2021 S. Kumar, D. Prakash, K. Prabakaran, D. Majhi, B.K. Mandal. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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