The Fischer-Griess monster group (M) and quadratic prime generating polynomials

Amina Muhammad Lawan


In this paper we show that, the quadratic prime-generating polynomials are connected to integer values of exactly 43 McKay- Thompson series of the conjugacy classes for the monster group. We have found that for p a prime divisor of |M|, Tp(t) is an algebraic number of degree one-half the h(-d). For p a product of two distinct prime divisors of |M|(except p=57 and p=93), the Tp(t) of the appropriate conjugscy class is an algebraic number of degree one-fourth the h(-d). For p a product of three distinct prime divisors of |M|, the Tp(t) of the appropriate conjugacy class is an algebraic number of degree one-eighth the h(-d).

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Published: 2014-07-16

How to Cite this Article:

Amina Muhammad Lawan, The Fischer-Griess monster group (M) and quadratic prime generating polynomials, Algebra Lett., 2014 (2014), Article ID 2

Copyright © 2014 Amina Muhammad Lawan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Algebra Letters

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