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Bagul, Yogesh J., K. K. M. College, Manwath, Dist - Parbhani ( M. S. ) - 431505, India
Bahadur, Swarnima
Bahadur, Swarnima, Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, INDIA (India)
Baisnab, A. P.
Bano, Sariya, Lucknow university
Barani, A., Lorestan University
Bharali, A., Dibrugarh University
Bidkham, Mahmood, University of Semnan
Brinda, R.
Budak, Hüseyin


Chanan, Sadia, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Chandelkar, Raj Singh
Chaudhuri, Kripasindhu, Former Professor and Emeritus Fellow (UGC, AICTE), Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700032, West Bengal, India
Chen, Yang
Chinchane, Vaijanath L., Dr. B.A.M.U. Auranagabad
Chugh, Renu
Chugh, Renu
Cirtoaje, Vasile, University of Ploiesti, Romania


Dar, Muhammad Qadeer, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
Darus, Maslina
Das, Deepanjan, Department of Mathematics,Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Das, Manmohan, Dept. of Mathematics, Bajali college ,Gauhati University,Assam, India
Das, P.
Dersanambika, K.S.
Dhagat, Vanita Ben, Laxmi Narayan College of Technology

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Advances in Inequalities and Applications

ISSN 2050-7461

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